




The Hakodate Quarantine Office in Dai-machi (Former Hakodate Disinfections Office)

 Hakodate set up its first temporary quarantine control office inside the Hakodate Frontier Administrative Office by the order of the Ministry of Interior in 1877, when it was feared that a cholera epidemic, which brokeout in China, might spread in Japan. However, the control system at that time was not sophisticated enough to prevent the spreading of the epidemic in Japan. In 1885, in order to strengthen the preventative measures the Ministry of Interior established disinfections facilities in the following major trading ports: Hakodate, Niigata,Yokohama, Kobe, Shimonoseki, and Nagasaki.
The currently located disinfections facility was built in Hakodate in November of the same year, and became operational after an isolation ward was added in May of 1886. And it was renamed as the Hakodate Quarantine Officein March of 1896. Since then it has helped to prevent epidemics of various infectious diseases from spreading to Japan from abroad. In 1945, after Japan was defeated in the Second World War, the office played a major active
role in the medical treatment and support of repatriates to Japan from Sakhalin.
The office was annexed to the Joint Government Port Building in Kaigan-cho in 1968, and it changed its title to the Otaru Quarantine Office Hakodate Branch in 1997.
 The remains of the original building have been designated as a historical building by the City of Hakodate.

旅 程 (函館市・元町末広町重要伝統的建造物群保存地区散策)  食事
26 7/31
晴れ 5:28道の駅(しりうち)---函館市元町末広町重要伝統的建造物群保存地区---日本聖公会函館聖ヨハネ教会8:28---チャチャ登り8:32---妙福寺8:34---函館ハリストス教会8:36---八幡坂8:51---旧函館区公会堂8:56---函館展望8:58---四天王像8:59---旧北海道庁函館支庁庁舎(函館写真歴史館)9:00---元町公園9:03---基坂9:05---ペリー提督 来航記念碑9:07---旧イギリス領事館9:08---諸術調所跡9:13---中華曹館9:15---旧アメリカ領事館跡9:17---沖之口番所跡9:25---函館運上所跡9:30---北海道第一歩の地碑9:32---函館港と倉庫群9:33---相馬株式会社9:38---函館市北方民族資料館9:39---北島三郎記念館9:43---金森美術館9:48---遊覧船ブルームーン9:49---西波止場美術館9:50---西波止場9:51---赤レンガ倉庫群9:53---函館ヒストリープラザ9:54---アフィーテ函館 ステラマリス・チャペル10:01---はこだて明治館(旧函館郵便局)10:08---函館ベイ美食倶楽部周辺10:12---箱館高田屋嘉兵衛資料館10:17---日本初のストーブ10:18---函館市文学館10:34---市立函館博物館郷土資料館10:36---北島三郎記念館10:39---旧函館区公会堂11:53---山川牧場(ソフトクリーム屋有名人も食べに!)12:22---カトリック元町教会12:34---亀井勝一朗生誕の地12:35---東本願寺函館別館12:43---高田屋嘉兵衛洞像12:55---高橋掬太郎歌碑12:57---南部藩陣屋跡13:08---函館ロープウェイ乗り場13:10---元町配水場13:13---称名寺13:39---高龍寺13:42---東本願寺北海御廟13:54---旧ロシア領事館14:01---山上大神宮14:03---外国人墓地(ロシア人墓地)14:18---函館中華山荘14:18---地蔵寺14:26---万平塚14:26---外国人墓地(プロテスタント墓地)14:27---ハリストス盛況墓地14:32---函館検疫所台町措置場14:34---護国神社14:49---道立函館美術館15:26---五稜郭タワー15:29---五稜郭公園16:10---市立函館博物館 五稜郭分館16:22---函館ヒストリープラザ夜景散策21:00---函館山22:10---道の駅 (しりうち)車内泊23:50

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